About Garage Daniel Lessard

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Since 1982, Garage Daniel Lessard inc. has established an excellent reputation, particularly in the sale of damaged second-hand vehicles at great prices.

Garage Daniel Lessard inc. also offers its customers several benefits, such as financing plans, different promotions, discounts, and different types of warranties. Finally, Garage Daniel Lessard inc. offers a service department and a parts department that will meet all your needs. Garage Daniel Lessard inc. puts a young and dynamic team at your disposal to accompany you throughout the process of choosing and purchasing your next vehicle.


Daniel Lessard

Daniel Lessard

Co-owner and Founder

Christian Lessard

Christian Lessard



Josée Brossard

Josée Brossard

Customer Service/Secretary/Accountant

Financial Services

Raphael Latulippe

Raphael Latulippe

Automotive Advisor


Olivier Tanguay

Olivier Tanguay

Sales Director

Brian Roy

Brian Roy

Sales Advisor


André Lessard

André Lessard

Chief mechanic

Gabriel Roy

Gabriel Roy



Gabriel Samson

Gabriel Samson



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